Teaching and Outreach:
Princeton EDI Working Group:
Postdoc-led group at Princeton that aims to (1) foster a welcoming and inclusive environment, and (2) provide useful resources for graduate and postdoctoral researchers within the department.
Organize and host of the "Postdoc path podcast" which focuses on the past and future career trajectories of postdocs at Princeton.
Organized two roundtable discussions on (1) applying to faculty positions and (2) applying for grants with panelists ranging from Princeton faculty from underrepresented backgrounds to NSF grant managers.
Uchicago GradInfluences Mentoring Program:
Cofounded a mentoring program within the University of Chicago’s physics department where incoming graduate students are paired with upper-year students in order to provide incoming students with a network of social and academic resources for navigating the PhD program.
KICP Space Explorers Program:
I was the lead instructor for an extracurricular science program for Chicago high-schoolers from 2017-2018. I developed weekly courses and taught hands-on topics ranging from problem-solving and data analysis to designing and launching their own rockets. I also was an instructor for the Space Explorers Summer Institute entitled the “City of Tomorrow” where students designed their own cities to critically examine aspects of energy extraction, wealth distribution and resource management.
Public Talks:
Princeton Postdoc Path Podcast:
Interview conducted by PGI fellow Alejandro Cardenas-Avendano and PCTS fellow Victor Rodriguez on my research interests and path toward physics.
Orexian Foundation:
Invited to give a one-hour virtual talk to 40 South Asian middle school to high school students across the U.S. on the foundations of general relativity, black holes and gravitational waves.
University of Chicago Expand your Perspective Podcast:
A far-ranging conversation with Gourav Khullar, Nora Bailey and hosted by UchicagoGrad on topics like life beyond the Earth, misconceptions about the universe, and how to make science more accessible for everyone